My favorite relatively new Thanksgiving tradition that my bro and friends and I have implemented over the past few years is to eat the Thanksgiving feast at
real dinner time (approx 7:30 or 8:00pm - none of us care about football, which I can only assume affects the timing of everyone else's meals), and then watch HOME ALONE before we eat dessert. Watching HOME ALONE has now become our way of officially ushering in the holiday season, and this year, I decided to mark it in an even more official fashion:
I tweeted it.
Live tweeting during particular events (The Academy Awards and the Tonys, if we're getting down to MY specifics, but it also works for shows like MAD MEN, various political speeches/debates, breaking news stories, etc) has really changed the way that said events are experienced. The feed for the #tonys this year was better than the actual Tonys themselves. ANYWAY, on Thanksgiving, I live tweeted all of the best parts of HOME ALONE, and, as there are many iconic moments, it got a bit epic.
For those of you who aren't regular users of Twitter, it may behoove you to know what a
hashtag is. Basically, it serves a simple search function, so that anything I wrote with a (#) preceding it would show up in the general Twitter feed for those exact words. However, many people also use it to make jokes or somewhat sarcastic asides with. I love an aside. I use it every which way possible.
Anyway, here they are - THE 2010 #HOMEALONE TWEETS!And favorite part of Thanksgiving...#homealone!!!
Mac Culkin is TINY!!! #homealone
Kevin, you are what the French call "Les Incompetents."#homealone #freakingclassic
When I grow up and get married, I'm living alone! #homealone #freakingclassic
First pizza delivery to the McAlister house. #homealone #freakingclassic
This pizza boy is gay. #homealone #freakingclassic
Fuller! Go easy on the Pepsi! #homealone #freakingclassic
Look what you did, ya little jerk!!! #homealone #freakingclassic
Goodnight, Kevin! #homealone #freakingclassic
WE SLEPT IN!!! #homealone #freakingclassic
Run, Run, Rudolph playing in the airport sequence....Let's face it. It's #freakingclassic. #homealone
This entire house is completely red & green, even though the family is in Paris for Christmas. #logical #homealone #freakingclassic
Even the creepy furnace is green! #spooky #homealone #freakingclassic
Jumping on the bed/trashing the house sequence. Undeniably, a #freakingclassic moment in cinema. #homealone
Buzz, your girlfriend! Woof! #homealone #freakingclassic
Keep tha change, ya filthy animal. #angelswithfilthysouls#homealone #freakingclassic
KEVIN!!! #homealone #freakingclassic #whoops
Sledding down the stairs, inspiring millions of kids to injure themselves at home! #homealone #freakingclassic
Daniel Stern, there you are!!! Welcome! #homealone
Hope Davis with a magnificent French accent and long blonde hair.#homealone
Shaving cream. Enough said. #homealone #freakingclassic
Escaped Tarantula! Noooooooooooo! #homealone #freakingclassic #majorplotpointlaterinthemovie
I'm a criminal. #homealone #freakingclassic
The best part of the movie!!! Mac Culkin screaming, his face inches from the van the bandits are driving. #homealone #freakingclassic
Rockin Around the Christmas Tree large-scale subterfuge!!! #homealone #freakingclassic
The gay pizza boy returns! #angelswithfilthysouls #homealone #freakingclassic
Bing Crosby lip-synching in a towel and shaving cream part two!#homealone #freakingclassic
Simultaneous grocery bag breakdown. #homealone #freakingclassic
Wet Bandit attempted smackdown! #convenientlyplacedfireworks #homealone #freakingclassic
I think we're gettin scammed by a kindegahdnuh! #homealone #freakingclassic
Moments of learning and growth for dear young Kevin McAlister!#homealone #freakingclassic #talkswithacreepyoldman
Oh, child! It's time for some serious #carolofthebells here on #homealone! This movie is getting INTENSE!!! #freakingclassic
This is MY house. I have to defend it! #homealone #freakingclassic #whereismybattleplan?
Oh. It. Is. ON! #wetbanditsandkevinhowdown #homealone #freakingclassic
Iron to the faaaaace!!! #iwouldthinkthatwouldknockyououtbutthatisjustme #homealone#freakingclassic
Singed head! #morepainfulthanfunnyreally #homealone #freakingclassic
Covered in feathers! #morefunnythanpainfulreally #homealone #freakingclassic
You guys give up, or you thirsty for more? #howaretheynotdeadyet #homealone #freakingclassic
You burglars are morons. #homealone
Brick wall to the face. IT IS TIME TO GIVE UP, WET BANDITS!!!#homealone
All I'm doing is sitting here, thinking about how long Daniel Stern had to be in makeup every morning to get that iron imprint. #homealone
Wet Bandit Crackdown! HaHA! Thwarted for THIS Christmas, Marv & Harry! #homealone #freakingclassic
John Candy, you are a symbol of the early 90s. This may be poor consolation, but there it is. #homealone
That bed looks so cozy, I'm contemplating buying myself bright red sheets. #homealone #suggestiveselling
A beautiful Christmas family reunion!!! #homealone #catherineoharaissogood #freakingclassic
I went shopping yesterday! I got the milk, eggs, and fabric softener!#homealone #freakingclassic
A grandfather/granddaughter reunion! Beauteous! #homealone
Kevin!!! What did you do to my room??? #homealone #freakingclassic
Now that #homealone is over, it's time for PIE!
Hope those were at least moderately enjoyable to someone. By the way, the title of this post refers to the fact that certain movies (I'm lookin' at you, PRINCESS BRIDE) have different special editions available for purchase. I'm pretty sure most of them are identical in content, it's just a matter of whether you'd rather have Buttercup, Humperdinck, or Westley immortalized on the DVD cover. In keeping with this theme, we were rather disappointed to discover (a few years ago now) that HOME ALONE only offered the "Family Fun" edition. We thought this was a load of crap. The special features are great, sure, but we wanted a little more flair. Who wouldn't rather get to choose between the "Les Incompetents," "You Little Jerk," and "Keep the Change, Ya Filthy Animal" editions? Or even between the versions entitled "The Wet Bandits," "Hyper on Two," and "The Polka King of Chicago"??? AM I RIGHT? "Family Fun," huh? LAAAAME!