I've been in Larry Moss' workshop all week. One more day to go. I'm up at 9am tomorrow, and I've got to be ready to scream the house down and eat my partner alive on stage. It's very exciting to be given permission to go nuts like that, but also takes a LOT of vocal and emotional stamina. Whew! As I said in a previous post, I'm working on Neil LaBute's REASONS TO BE PRETTY...I'd been having difficulties with how contemporary the language is (I do very well with Shakespeare, O'Neill, and Shaw...really heightened, complicated stuff). Larry was having me yell at top volume, and then shouted to me at one point, "Do it like Medea!" All of a sudden, I understood what I needed to do, dropped in, unleashed classical actor Amy, and felt MUCH better! It got a huge laugh from the class, because (aside from the absurdity of Medea screaming about flushing goldfish down the toilet), many people much prefer contemporary language to huge Greek and Shakespearian texts, but my comfort zone is a mite old-fashioned. It was a lovely moment.
I'm running to bed, but just felt like sharing...This has been a fantastic week. I love sitting and watching my fellow classmates (many of whom I take Karl Bury's weekly scene study class with, and have known, admired, and watched grow for years) ROCK IT OUT, and just take huge leaps forward in their work. So exciting. SO exciting. I can feel that I'm taking strides, too, and learning a lot about myself...I love acting so much. I love being involved in this community. I love artists. I love other passionate people. People who bring themselves and give of themselves. It's gorgeous, and makes me want to be a better actor and human being. It's also a blessing to work on a difficult scene like this with my dear friend and colleague Denis Lambert, who is brilliant, and the greatest scene partner a person could ask for. I'm so grateful for him.
Right, I have to go to sleep so that I can go full tilt boogie first thing in the a.m.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Beatniks and Zombie Ninjas
Stumbled across this quote from Kerouac's ON THE ROAD earlier this evening. Forgot how much I loved it...
"The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow Roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars, and in the middle, you see the blue center-
light pop, and everybody goes ahh ..."
On a completely different note, I also watched the video for "Total Eclipse of the Heart" for the first time this evening. What. Is. That. All. About. And people think Gaga is strange! I've been hearing that song for years, with absolutely NO idea what I'd been missing! Thank you, YouTube, for changing my life!
"The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow Roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars, and in the middle, you see the blue center-
light pop, and everybody goes ahh ..."
On a completely different note, I also watched the video for "Total Eclipse of the Heart" for the first time this evening. What. Is. That. All. About. And people think Gaga is strange! I've been hearing that song for years, with absolutely NO idea what I'd been missing! Thank you, YouTube, for changing my life!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Weary with toil, I haste me to my bed...
I just had a wonderful "Arts Professional" day, and wanted to share.
On Sunday, my friend and mentor Jen Burke - my freshman speech teacher and senior advisor at BoCo - messaged me and asked if I was in town. She mentioned she was going to be in the city to teach some speech classes to some high school kids, and did I want to come in one or two days and assist? YES, PLEASE! Speech nerdiness and Jen Burke, all in one glorious mess? Jubilation! Anyway, I came in this morning, helped out a bit, working with high school kids on sonnets, and generally enjoying being back in a Voice & Speech class. Giving slight adjustments and watching actors ten years younger than me at the beginning of their training. The classes are taught as part of The Arts Edge, which was devised by one of our Deans at BoCo. It is designed to simulate the conservatory experience for two weeks, to give high school students both a leg up on the audition process, as well as insight into whether or not they'd really be happy doing this all day every day. It was fun! I hadn't been on the instructive end of a class situation in a long while, so it was good for me to get in there! Going back on Thursday to hang out and dive in again, and hopefully spend some time with Jen afterwards. I haven't seen her in a couple of years, and I've missed her terribly!
After that, I had a coaching with my friend Adam Laird, which involved him chucking out basically half of my rep book and photocopying a ton of music for me to learn. It was painful at first, but OH, so necessary. Ultimately, I felt much lighter, and convinced that not only were the songs we'd left in my book really specific to ME (as is the goal), but that the songs we were adding were only going to make it clearer and clearer exactly who I am as a performer. Rock. Thank you, Adam, for your tough love.
Denis and I had a great rehearsal for reasons to be pretty (it is technically spelled with all lowercase, which I think is its own kind of grandeur), and I'm feeling much easier within the material. I'm breathing a little better, and with less effort. Sorry if that means nothing to you - trying to explain it more fully would take a bit longer than I care to at this late hour!
After Denis left, I had dinner and watched some Australian television to prep for an Aussie coaching I'm giving tomorrow (ahh, when watching TV counts as research, I feel so much better about doing it). A truly magnificent day, from my perspective!
PIMP YO FRIENDZ: Today, on Pimp Yo Friendz (as it shall be known for this post), I'd like to introduce you to Maddy Wyatt. Now, I've only met Maddy a couple of times, which may have you wondering what I'm doing claiming her as a friend, much less pimping her out for your listening pleasure. WELL, I went to high school and did a great deal of theatre with the rest of the Wyatt clan - her brothers Alex and Paul, as well as her parents Judy and Dan. Maddy is a singer/songwriter, and has been performing all over the city for years now. Her brothers sometimes play and sing with her (Alex on drums, Paul on any number of instruments, though most of them are some variation of guitar). They made their Joe's Pub debut last Sunday, and I was fortunate enough to be able to attend! The whole band was great (the bassist and pianist are not, in fact, related to the Wyatts), the show was so fun, and I can't tell you how great it was to catch up with everybody after the show. Anyway, she's fabulous - her songs are all this kind of lush, indie deliciousness (I'm really terrible at describing things, but at least it's clear I really dig the music, right?) with a sense of humor, which I appreciate. Check them out! Maddy's MySpace Music Page has a few more songs on it. Enjoy!
On Sunday, my friend and mentor Jen Burke - my freshman speech teacher and senior advisor at BoCo - messaged me and asked if I was in town. She mentioned she was going to be in the city to teach some speech classes to some high school kids, and did I want to come in one or two days and assist? YES, PLEASE! Speech nerdiness and Jen Burke, all in one glorious mess? Jubilation! Anyway, I came in this morning, helped out a bit, working with high school kids on sonnets, and generally enjoying being back in a Voice & Speech class. Giving slight adjustments and watching actors ten years younger than me at the beginning of their training. The classes are taught as part of The Arts Edge, which was devised by one of our Deans at BoCo. It is designed to simulate the conservatory experience for two weeks, to give high school students both a leg up on the audition process, as well as insight into whether or not they'd really be happy doing this all day every day. It was fun! I hadn't been on the instructive end of a class situation in a long while, so it was good for me to get in there! Going back on Thursday to hang out and dive in again, and hopefully spend some time with Jen afterwards. I haven't seen her in a couple of years, and I've missed her terribly!
After that, I had a coaching with my friend Adam Laird, which involved him chucking out basically half of my rep book and photocopying a ton of music for me to learn. It was painful at first, but OH, so necessary. Ultimately, I felt much lighter, and convinced that not only were the songs we'd left in my book really specific to ME (as is the goal), but that the songs we were adding were only going to make it clearer and clearer exactly who I am as a performer. Rock. Thank you, Adam, for your tough love.
Denis and I had a great rehearsal for reasons to be pretty (it is technically spelled with all lowercase, which I think is its own kind of grandeur), and I'm feeling much easier within the material. I'm breathing a little better, and with less effort. Sorry if that means nothing to you - trying to explain it more fully would take a bit longer than I care to at this late hour!
After Denis left, I had dinner and watched some Australian television to prep for an Aussie coaching I'm giving tomorrow (ahh, when watching TV counts as research, I feel so much better about doing it). A truly magnificent day, from my perspective!
PIMP YO FRIENDZ: Today, on Pimp Yo Friendz (as it shall be known for this post), I'd like to introduce you to Maddy Wyatt. Now, I've only met Maddy a couple of times, which may have you wondering what I'm doing claiming her as a friend, much less pimping her out for your listening pleasure. WELL, I went to high school and did a great deal of theatre with the rest of the Wyatt clan - her brothers Alex and Paul, as well as her parents Judy and Dan. Maddy is a singer/songwriter, and has been performing all over the city for years now. Her brothers sometimes play and sing with her (Alex on drums, Paul on any number of instruments, though most of them are some variation of guitar). They made their Joe's Pub debut last Sunday, and I was fortunate enough to be able to attend! The whole band was great (the bassist and pianist are not, in fact, related to the Wyatts), the show was so fun, and I can't tell you how great it was to catch up with everybody after the show. Anyway, she's fabulous - her songs are all this kind of lush, indie deliciousness (I'm really terrible at describing things, but at least it's clear I really dig the music, right?) with a sense of humor, which I appreciate. Check them out! Maddy's MySpace Music Page has a few more songs on it. Enjoy!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
I Have Talented Friends
There are new production photos in my website gallery - shots of AS BEES IN HONEY DROWN, INTO THE WOODS, and BOEING BOEING! Go check them out!
I have a lot of work I've been putting off doing this evening (hey, I worked all day, so I find it hard to come home and not zone out for at least a little bit before kicking the brain back into action), mainly for the Larry Moss workshop I'm taking week after next. I'm working on REASONS TO BE PRETTY with my dear friend Denis. I really liked the play when I saw it on Broadway, but I'm finding it more difficult than I would like, as is ALWAYS the way with Larry! You get hired to do the things you already know how to do really well (absurd German accents are a bit of a specialty of mine), and then take classes to work out the kinks elsewhere in your craft. Hence a contemporary play that is not language-based or poetic. Nothing for me to hide behind, urg! Interesting, because certain dialects or heavily wordy plays would really freak out other actors, and it'd be something they'd have to struggle to get through. Nope. Hand me a tureen of George Bernard Shaw Word Stew any day of the week!
I have decided to add an official special feature to my blog on occasion (oooh, special feature, mumble, mumble, general excitement, ahhh!), with no clear idea of how often I'll employ it. I'm calling it "Pimp Your Friends." That's right. I have awesome friends, who are talented and ridiculous in so many ways that it is freaking crazy, and MORE people should know about them and their awesomeness. I've already pimped a few, and here is my glorious pick for this post...
Kerry Cox is a painter and artist who lives in Queens, works in Manhattan, and paints in Brooklyn. She is one of the coolest cats on the planet. She and I met selling eyeglasses together for SEE Eyewear, and I love her and her work. Check her out!
I have a lot of work I've been putting off doing this evening (hey, I worked all day, so I find it hard to come home and not zone out for at least a little bit before kicking the brain back into action), mainly for the Larry Moss workshop I'm taking week after next. I'm working on REASONS TO BE PRETTY with my dear friend Denis. I really liked the play when I saw it on Broadway, but I'm finding it more difficult than I would like, as is ALWAYS the way with Larry! You get hired to do the things you already know how to do really well (absurd German accents are a bit of a specialty of mine), and then take classes to work out the kinks elsewhere in your craft. Hence a contemporary play that is not language-based or poetic. Nothing for me to hide behind, urg! Interesting, because certain dialects or heavily wordy plays would really freak out other actors, and it'd be something they'd have to struggle to get through. Nope. Hand me a tureen of George Bernard Shaw Word Stew any day of the week!
I have decided to add an official special feature to my blog on occasion (oooh, special feature, mumble, mumble, general excitement, ahhh!), with no clear idea of how often I'll employ it. I'm calling it "Pimp Your Friends." That's right. I have awesome friends, who are talented and ridiculous in so many ways that it is freaking crazy, and MORE people should know about them and their awesomeness. I've already pimped a few, and here is my glorious pick for this post...
Kerry Cox is a painter and artist who lives in Queens, works in Manhattan, and paints in Brooklyn. She is one of the coolest cats on the planet. She and I met selling eyeglasses together for SEE Eyewear, and I love her and her work. Check her out!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Summer Stock - Off the Clock
Very tired. Just got back to New York City Monday in the late afternoon, and I'm still adjusting to civilian life. I'm posting some pics for your perusal pleasure, and then going to BED! It's been a good day - rehearsed with Denis, my friend and scene partner for the Larry Moss workshop I'm taking in a couple of weeks, then made pancakes and unpacked my bags while my friend Melissa was over. We told each other a lot of stories and used an obscene amount of character voices. Eventually, Nikka came over for silly fun time. Hoorah for friends and hanging out in my lovely apartment that I've missed so much!
Anywhoo, I'm posting many of my favorite photos from the past few weeks. I'd attempt to explain them all, but I think they're either self-explanatory or pretty funny, anyway, so I'm leaving them be. I do enjoy scrolling through fb photos of actors out on other gigs, just being idiotic and having a good time. We had some pretty rough circumstances with WOODS, and yet we still managed to find time to entertain and be entertained by one another. Such lovely, hilarious, talented, generous, and kind people. I have been very fortunate in the last year and a half to two years. Such wonderful colleagues and collaborators.









Anywhoo, I'm posting many of my favorite photos from the past few weeks. I'd attempt to explain them all, but I think they're either self-explanatory or pretty funny, anyway, so I'm leaving them be. I do enjoy scrolling through fb photos of actors out on other gigs, just being idiotic and having a good time. We had some pretty rough circumstances with WOODS, and yet we still managed to find time to entertain and be entertained by one another. Such lovely, hilarious, talented, generous, and kind people. I have been very fortunate in the last year and a half to two years. Such wonderful colleagues and collaborators.


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